Food for the Hungry International was founded in 1971 as a Christian NGO to raise awareness of poverty and hunger around the world, bring food and love to the hungry with the spirit of bread and gospel and help them build secure, self-sufficient communities.
FHI is registered as consultative status, category Roster with the United Nations Economic and Social Council [UNECOSOC] and serves in poverty-stricken communities and countries around the globe by sending professionally trained "Hunger Corps" for emergency relief and development programs.
In 1989, Korea Food for the Hungry International, as the first officially registered overseas aid NGO, spearheaded Korea from receiving to giving nation. Today, KFHI supports domestic social welfare of broken homes, elderly, handicapped through regional offices and welfare facilities and water development, meal programs and North Korea program as well.
Now, 1,131 Hunger Corps and 4,500 staffs are committed to various development projects and emergency aid in 80 countries of all over the world.
Siloam eye hospital follows the example of Jesus and help people who are visually impaired to get back their sight through surgeries. It serves our neighbors and society.
Somang is supporting Korea Campus Crusade for Christ and Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ with donations every year.