Somang Building It is a building for business and offices, located in the center of business at Cheonghakdong 503-3, Yeonsuku, Inchon, The total size of land is 498.4 pyong (1,647㎡) and floor area is 3,784 pyong (12,509㎡). There are a variety of companies, institutes and stores in it.
Somang Mart Commercial Building Located in Cheonghakdong, Yeonsuku, Incheon, it is a commercial building with apartments around. The total size of land is 14,896 pyong (49,243㎡) and floor area is 5,589 pyong (18,476㎡). B1 is leased by Emart and the first floor is leased by Caffebene, clothing stores and restaurants.